Monday, May 12, 2008

A New Beginning

Esteemed friends and colleagues:

Impelled by the RW Library's 2.0 project, I have reluctantly entered the 21st century and started a blog. Or rather, I have started a second blog. This one, I promise, will be more witty, informative, and famous than its short-lived predecessor. Thus, our plucky heroine begins again. A new beginning.

I'm excited about the 2.0 program at the RW Library, based on an InfoTech column on 2.0 initiatives, which requires librarians to experiment with a new social networking instrument each week. I expect the program can help Luddittes and tech geeks alike to expand their knowledge of online social networking. I, on the other hand, am hopeless.

Yet there is one issue consistently omitted from publications on blogging, an issue too vital for the novice to ignore. That issue, of course, is how one selects an appropriate nom de plume. We are familiar with the Twisted Librarian, the Shifted Librarian, the Modified Librarian, and my personal favorite, the Tattooed Librarian. Even the RW Library is home to Zenbrarian and RoboLibrarian.

This leads us to a host of other questions: Are all the good names taken? Does using one's own name on a blog mean that one aspires for notoriety in the library world? And what the heck does the Circus Librarian even mean? Visit me this Thursday at the reference desk to witness my death-defying feats.

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